Saturday, May 29, 2010


Soft reset

A soft reset is the simplest kind. It just reboots your BlackBerry in the quickest, easiest way.
It doesn’t completely clear the memory, so if you’re suffering from memory leak this probably won’t help much. If it’s a more simple issue, though, soft reset away.

To perform a soft reset, press: right-shift + alt + delete.

Double soft reset
If you need to perform a hard reset but really don’t want to pull the battery — maybe you have a big, bulky case around your device — there is an alternative. A double soft reset might not perform exactly the functions of a hard reset, but it comes close.

To perform a double soft reset, press right-shift + alt+ delete. When the device lights up as it reboots, press right-shift + alt + delete again. That should do the trick.

Hard reset

A hard reset can be accomplished by pulling the battery. This will solve most BlackBerry problems. If a hard reset does not solve your problem, your device probably has deeper issues.


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